Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bring Back My Mojo!
Not your ordinary Mom’s group
This group is full!  
Ditch the diaper bag, take a break from the kids, and come to Greenberries to connect with a group of like-minded women who are ready to laugh, get real, and support each other with the most common struggles of early motherhood.
Through discussion, self-reflection and inspiring activities, you will learn realistic strategies to maintain your sanity and reconnect with YOU while enjoying this crazy journey of motherhood!
Join our focused meet-up group targeted toward creating more joy for the MOM!
6 sessions will be held from 7:30-9:00 every other week
Starting October 6th and ending December 15th

Session 1: Becoming Mom: Your pregnancy and birth story
Session 2: Letting go of GUILT, anger and resentment of self and others
Session 3: Accepting changes you can’t control-changing what you can
Session 4: Self-Care is not a luxury!
Session 5: Who am I in addition to “Mom?” Creating your new identity
Session 6: Getting clear on what you want: Setting goals and intentions

$10 for individual drop-in sessions (pre-registration required)
$40 for all 6-session pre-registration required by September 29th
*Includes weekly pdf. file of activity and self-reflection

Q and A

Q: I am not local to Baltimore/DC, but this sound great!  How can I get involved?
A: If you are interested in doing this workshop via teleconference, please email me with your contact information and what days/times will work for you.  I will create a list and start an addtional group if we have enough interest.

Q: Why is this workshop so cheap?
A:  I have taken a culmination of the common concerns and frustrations from my clients and have written a workbook.  This group will be a pilot of the very first group to use the material.  The cost of this workshop will go up to $150 after this first go around.

Q: Is this group geared toward working moms? Stay at home moms? New Moms? Experienced Moms?
A: Yes, yes, yes and yes!  This group is for any woman who feels like she has neglected her own needs since becoming a mother.  This opportunity is perfect for women who want to reconnect with who they are and are ready to make some realistic changes to create a more joyful life.

Q: What are the exact dates of this workshop?
A: October 6, 20, November 3, 17, December 1 and 15

Q: Can I come to just the topics that interest me?
A: Yes, you can pay a drop in fee of $10 a session or pay $40 in advance for all 6 sessions.  Pre-registration is required either way.

Q: Will I receive any materials or written information about the workshop?
A: Yes, you will receive an electronic version of the workbook so you can go at your own pace.

Q: Can I purchase the workbook if I can't attend the group?
A: Yes, the workbook purchased separately is $15.

Q: Can I bring my child/children?
A: This is your time to be YOU, away from your kids.  You will get more out of the group if you give your undivided attention, I do understand that emergencies happen, so babies on laps are welcome.  NO TURBO TODDLERS PLEASE!!!

Q:  I am very busy, how much "extra work" is expected from this group.
A:  On our "off" weeks you can work on the activities from your workbook.  You can read and reflect, or journal.  Once in a while you will have a homework assignment (ex. a date by yourself).  The amount of time you put into this workshop is entirely up to you.

Q: Are there any rules to the group?
A: We can talk more about this as a group, but my 2 big rules are what is said in the group stays in the group and it is a zero judgement zone!

Q: Can we make this like a Mom's night out and have drinks and munchies?
A: Absolutely!  BYOB of choice

Q:  Sign me up, I'm ready to go!  How do I pay?
A:  You can pay vial Pay Pal (I will send you an invoice) or write a check to My Mama Mojo.

If you would like more detailed information, have interest in joining a future daytime group, or are ready to reserve your spot on October 6th, please contact me at (301) 717-7731 or


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hello Big Yellow School Bus

It has been a LONG summer!  I have been the director, events planner and counselor for “Camp Mommy” for 9 weeks and 4 challenging days. Yup, just the three of us ALL SUMMER LONG.  I have done a lot of soul searching over the past 6 ½ years and have come to terms with the fact that as much as I would like to be, I am not the stay at home type.  I just don’t like it. I have tried the stay at home thing, the working full-time gig and the part-time schedule.  Hands down, I am just not happy when I stay home with my kids. As much as I value a parent who stays home, it brings out the worst in me.  I have embraced who I am and let the guilt go about that one.  In owning who I am as a mother and woman, I found that when I work outside the home for pay, upon returning home I am more present, I have more patience and I value my children in a way that I just can’t muster up when I am home with them everyday-day after day.  

So what the hell was I thinking this summer??!!!

Let me explain…In addition to being a life coach, I work part-time as a school counselor-so I was “off” a good bit this summer.  I only work a handful of days at my counseling job when school is out- and June, July and August are traditionally very slow months for helping professionals. I didn’t plan on making much money this summer and just couldn’t justify sending my 4 and 6 year old to camp when I was home and not earning any money.

Although terrified at the thought of all this time at home, I dove right in to the summer with elaborate camp schedules, sticker charts and even played “school” 5x a week. The kids loved it!  They were buying into the behavior charts, getting a kick out of playing school and were listening to directions more then they had in months.  Then weeks 3 and 4 came and I was exhausted from holding together all this structure.  I am not an organized, “tight ship” kind of person and all this planning and consistency was killing me slowly.  As the days went on, I was less enthusiastic, scheduled school time was sporadic and the fighting and whining began (and never stopped).  When the kids fight, it is the fastest way for me to loose my patience and NOT enjoy my time with them. I muddled through week 5 and 6 knowing that our 2 week vacation was around the corner and at least I would have backup (AKA Big Daddy).  I pretty much used the sticker charts as threats instead of rewards until vacation came because I had no steam left to do it the right way.  The kids had beaten me down!  I was holding on to the thought of a change of scenery at the beach (because we all know the term “vacation” is used loosely when you have young children).  Our trip was a fine diversion, but upon our return we had a week and a half more to go before school and work started back up for good.

These two weeks were so difficult.  Swim lessons were over, most of our friends were on vacation, it was 90+ humid degrees outside, the kids were bored and I just wanted school to come already!  I had an internal struggle going on with wanting to feel grateful that I have the choice to be home with my kids and that I “should” be enjoying them VS just really wanting that bus to come!  My old friend, GUILT came back and I was so sad and disappointed that I couldn't be happy about this time with my kids and have some genuine fun.  But I could not.  

After an earthquake and no electricity for 3 days due to Hurricane Irene, school finally started (3 days latter then expected) this week. I am happy for the structure the school routine gives to my family.  I like knowing that they are in a safe and stimulating environment while I am happy at work.  I can now I look forward to seeing them at the end of the day instead of waking up with anxiety about the upcoming day at Camp Mommy!  I am who I am, and work is a large  part of my identity.  Without it, I am "mom" and this role is just not all fulfilling for me.  And in large dosages,  I just don't feel very good at it.

I know views and perspectives vary wildly on this topic.  I have friends who could never/would never stay home with their children all summer despite their working situation.  I also have friends who cry every year when that big yellow school bus comes.  Sometimes the tears are for the decreased time they will spending with their children, while other times it is due to the fact that they are kissing the slower pace of summer goodbye.  Whatever this transition is for you, if your kids are school age you are entering a different rhythm as September has arrived.

What are you looking forward to and/or what are you sad to leave behind?

How was this summer for you?

Did you learn anything about yourself?